Sunday 12 August 2012

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

Let's just cut to the chase and talk about what makes the AT&T Tilt so special, shall we? From the outside, the Tilt doesn't look that much different from its predecessor, the AT&T 8525. It has a PDA-like design and features a slide-out screen that reveals a full QWERTY keyboard underneath. However, there's one major difference between the two: The Tilt's screen tilts (hence the name; get it?) up to 40 degrees, mimicking a mini laptop. Though we never had any problems with the old design, we do like this extra functionality. It gives you a better view of the display, and it's nice if you just want to lay it on a flat surface and read through your e-mails, work documents, or view videos. Of course, if you so choose, you could compose messages in this position, but you'd probably have to peck away with your index fingers, which seems a bit uncomfortable and dorky. We found it easier just to hold the smartphone in both hands and let our thumbs happily tach away.

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

HTC Tilt 8925

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